Blog entry #1

“Welcome to our perfect pet matchmaker! How may I help you?” This one girl came into the pet matchmaker and started to cry out loud. She was very lonesome looking girl. So, all the workers in the pet shop started to comfort her. And few hours later, she walked out the shop with a big smiling face with a new cute beagle, Vasco.
There was a girl name Carrie, who was the only child in her family. So she tends to feel loneliness easily whenever she’s at home. Since, her parents both work out and come home late, she often throws a party or hang out with her friends until her parents come home. But, one day, Carrie made a huge mess at home. She accidentally broke her mom’s favorite vase. And, this vase eventually induces Carrie to the mysterious world.
“Carrie honey, wake up! It’s time for you to go to school!” her mom yelled. “No mom, I’m too tired. I don’t want to go to school.” Carrie replied. “Oh well, whatever. I am going out for work. Eat your breakfast and consider about going to school or not! I’ll leave a credit card on the kitchen table.” then her mom left. Carrie talked to herself. “She’s always like that! She doesn’t even care about me! Am I really her daughter?” Then she looked at her mom’s favorite vase and consider about breaking it just to revenge her mom’s apathy toward her. All of a sudden, the vase started to move a little. Carrie got so shocked and stared at the vase for a moment. Then, she got pulled inside the vase and it drew her to this random store called ‘perfect pet matchmaker’. Carrie was crying when she reached there. She cried out loud for few minutes, and got the comforts from all the workers in the store. Then, she got her soul back into her body and began to walk around the store. Carrie is a pet lover. Then, she found out that she was in the pet shop. Both of her eyes turned like jar of hearts. As she was walking around the pet store, she figured that she was able to find her best match pet with the owner. Carrie got so excited, and started to choose the best match for her. She used to have a golden retriever when she was young. But, she glanced at the beagle for a second and fell in love at first sight. This beagle had big eyes like Carrie and had fat tummy. It also had a medium length tail covered with soft fur. This beagle was her favorite puppy among the others. Thus, Carrie felt that it was the perfect match for her. One of a professional consultant came to Carrie, and asked few questions before Carrie purchase her perfect match. “What is your favorite food? What is your favorite hobby? Do you eat often? Do you stay at home often? Or do you have any other pets? Do you have any specific pet allergy? Are you lazy person?” Carrie just stared at a consultant and replied back. “I… well, my favorite food is hamburger. I like playing basketball, and sometimes going out for a walk. I eat three meals a day, but sometimes I eat snacks in between. And yes, I stay at home everyday unlike my parents. Unfortunately, I don’t have any pets yet. And no, I don’t have any specific allergies. However, I am a bit lazy person. Is that it?” A consultant got so surprised at her, answering the questions at once, then replied back to her. “Wow, you and this beagle match perfectly! This beagle likes to walk, eat food, but he needs a lot of love from the owner. Also, he is really lazy. So you might have to train your beagle. And lastly, this is just a comment on your pet. Please take care of your pet as part of your family and do not betray them. Will you be able to promise me?” “Well, of course, that is so obvious. I’m so honored that I have my perfectly matching pet that even has a similar appearance as me. Thank you for selecting the best puppy for me!” Carrie answered. Then, Carrie named her pet, Vasco. Since, Carrie didn’t had a chance to get a lot of affections by their parents, she is desired to get one of her perfect matching pet that will cover up the affections from her parents. Also, whenever Carrie stays at home alone, she won’t feel lonely because of Vasco. So, after Carrie got her pet, she walked down to the door to leave. As soon as she opened the exit door, she immediately heard her mom’s voice.
“Carrie honey, wake up! It’s time for you to go to school!” Everything was just a dream. After she got out from her bed, she asked her mom. “Mom, did you see my puppy, Vasco?” Her mom looked at Carrie weirdly. “Honey, what are you talking about, get ready for your school. You are going to be late!” Suddenly, there was a sound of doorbell from outside. “Ding dong.” Carrie went out and got a huge box. She opened it right away and saw her perfect match, Vasco. Then, Carrie winked at her mom’s favorite vase. (889)

5 thoughts on “Blog entry #1

  1. Love how you portrayed this girl, Carrie! 🙂 The descriptive characteristics of her and the hobbies she likes to do give the readers a clear image of her. The twist to the end of the story was the best part!

  2. I love the way you kind of let the readers have a taste of your story in the beginning 🙂 Yes, like Mr. Hinkle said, it reminded me of Alice in Wonderland, but still unique in a way that Carrie still got her pet, which I thought would also be gone when Carrie woke from her dream.

  3. Your story content itself is very creative but i especially like your ending the most! It is so creative of having your story end like that ! I also like the part where the professional consultant asked many specific questions to Carrie and this makes sense, because in order to find the perfect match for one, many details are needed. 🙂 Great job !!!

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