Blog Entry #2

Jeff was looking at the display of cars desperately. “I really need that car for sure.” He spoke to himself. He was standing in front of the car shop, which was in 22nd street, where near the free limit zone.

Three years ago, Jeff got into a huge accident. He broke his number three and four backbones. So, now he could barely walk and move. He was a famous car racer. He used to race in the league of United States. Thus, most people in the States know him very well. But, after he got into an accident, his life totally changed miserably. He couldn’t eat, drink, talk, or sleep for about a year. However, he recovered day by day. So, now he is able to drive but not fluently. Since he is able to drive, he had this ambition to get back on a racing field. Though, going back in to a racing field was a detrimental decision of him, but he decided to race again. Every one of his acquaintances warned him not to go back on the racing field. But he was eager to get his fame back from his fans.

Then a few months ago, Jeff’s family accepted his earnest decision. Although Jeff’s family was worried about Jeff, they had to accept his will on racing. But, his family attained a condition that for few months he must practice with his family in his car. At first, Jeff denied that condition. However, to get back on the racing field, he had to listen to his family. Eventually, he practiced his racing with his mom and his younger brother Joe. Every weekend, Jeff, mom and his brother got into his practice car and coached Jeff to drive safely. As Jeff drove along the road, mom and Joe also enjoyed their weekend chilling out on a road. The funny thing was that, Jeff’s mom and brother was enjoying more than Jeff did. They didn’t even care whether Jeff was doing well or not. “Hey Jeff, can you turn on the volume more loud?” Joe asked. “Jeff honey, where is the air conditioning button?” his mom asked. Then Jeff shouted, “Guys! Please, may I concentrate on driving?” So, Jeff’s mom and Joe shut their mouth and just obeyed what Jeff said. They sat quietly in the car and even turned off the music to let Jeff concentrate on his driving. Jeff practiced about straightly five hours. But, there was a problem. Since, he had to practice for his racing game, he didn’t even stop to take a rest or go to bathroom. But, Jeff was used to non-stop driving. However, for his mom and Joe, it wasn’t. They were holding on to their urine. Their face turned into pale blue. As soon as hey got back home, he was worried if they got into a carsick. So Jeff asked, “Are you guys okay? I mean did I drive too fast?” But they didn’t answer to Jeff’s question and got off from the car and ran down to the bathroom. After they got out from the bathroom, they finally smiled. “Oh Jeff, you should take a rest while you are practicing. I had tough time holding on to my breath.” Joe yelled.
Then the next day, before Joe and mom get into Jeff’s car, they first went to bathroom to empty their stomach. They were in a good mood. On the other hand,  Jeff’s car was in a bad condition. It easily stopped while driving. But, Jeff ignored and drove. “BAAAM–” All of a sudden, there was sound of a burst. And Jeff’s car suddenly stopped. He checked his car and figured out that his car was running out of gas. So, his mom and Joe had to get off from the car and pushed Jeff’s car. Jeff ordered his mom and Joe to push it harder.



Fortunately, Jeff’s car started to move slowly. Jeff’s mom called the car center. And they brought some instant gas from the gas station. So, Jeff injected the gas into the car and it started to move. Mom and Joe got back in the car and they blamed it on Joe. “Joe, you should’ve checked whether you have enough gas or not before you drive!” Then, mom started to scold at Jeff.

“How can you even drive without a gas? Do you really want to get into another accident like you had it before? You should be aware of everything before you go out for a practice!”

His mom’s voice was so loud that Jeff started to get irritated. He couldn’t concentrate it on his driving. Then, he accidentally stepped on the accelerator pedal. He was already on his 500 kilometers. But as he stepped on the accelerator, it speeded up to 1000 km. Joe and mom gripped on a handle and yelled at Jeff. “Jeff, stop! Stop! You are going too fast! Jeff! Listen to us!”
“BAM” There was a sound of a crash. One teardrop came out of Jeff’s eye.

“Son, if you want to be a famous racer in the future, you have to drive a high quality car.” Jeff’s dad recommended. “So, I will buy you a brand new Ferrari 458 Italia. But, promise me not to tell your mother. I’m scared she will punish me for buying you a new car” Dad whispered.


Jeff was only sixteen, and he got a new Ferrari to practice his ride to be a racer. Jeff wanted to be a racer since he was in high school. Since his dad was a well-known racer in the world, Jeff wanted to follow his dad’s career. So, Jeff tried extra hard to achieve his goal. Then, Jeff eventually got popular, and his dad and Jeff almost ruled the racing field in the U.S. However, whenever there is a good fortune, then there is also a bad fortune that will chase after. One day, Jeff’s dad drove his son’s new Ferrari and went on a practice. He accidentally stepped on an accelerator and got into a car accident. He hurt his backbone number three and four. So, all of his family members were worried. But, unfortunately, Jeff’s dad died. Jeff cried for a long period of time, and he didn’t leave his dad’s cemetery for few days. He then, later went to the car repair shop and fixed his most precious Ferrari car. Then he manipulated his car to have an auto roof control. Jeff regarded his Ferrari, the most precious thing in his life after his dad’s death.

“I saw a car accident on 22nd street near the free limit zone, please come as soon as possible.” Then a stranger hung up on his phone. “What happened?” Random people surrounded Jeff’s car. “Are you guys okay in there?” nobody answered from inside of the car. Then an ambulance came, and moved Jeff, Joe and his mom to a hospital. As soon as they moved to a hospital, doctors checked their pulse. And the doctor said, “They are all dead.”

However, on the other side of the road, Jeff’s dad was waiting for Jeff, Joe and his wife. Dad waved his hand and called Jeff. “Jeff!” Jeff ran down to his dad and hugged him. Jeff said, “Dad, I missed you.” Then his dad replied, “Jeff, you were a great racer, son. I am so proud of you.” (1231)

4 thoughts on “Blog Entry #2

  1. I am a totally random visitor to your blog and I am going to leave a totally random comment on your story. Ignore it if you want.
    The dialogs you’ve inserted inside your story are particularly vivid and lively: for instance, in the third paragraph, the diction “Jeff honey” was an interesting connotation. I can actually “음성지원” it…. Ha.
    Moreover, the story was “extra” interesting because the protagonist, Jeff, is actually my name. 🙂 What a coincidence!
    I’ll subscribe your stories every week via this blog. Keep up your work Shauna!

  2. Overall, your story is very touching! I love how you were being specific in types of car and detailed descriptions about the place! Plus, i love the very last part the most! where Jeff meets his dad! Your ending is very creative!

  3. The pictures of the car were a cool edition. I also enjoyed the use of a flashback as a literary technique. I’ve been harping on most of your peers, though, to tighten up your grammar.

  4. I liked how you end the story! “Jeff, you were a great racer, son. I am so proud of you.” <- I love this part the most! I think your story shows the true family <3 Great JOB!

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